Friday, June 5, 2015

Cholesterol And Related Precautions

Cholesterol is a type of fat found in the body and is needed for vital body functions such as building new cells, producing hormones & insulation .
The liver makes all the cholesterol which is required by the body.
Cholesterol is of two types:
LDL (bad)
HDL (good)
LDL means a high chance of cardiac disease, while HDL means less
or decreased risk
Cholesterol increases the inflammatory disease of the arterial walls called as artherosclerosis in which there is blocking of artery due to fat deposition, which ultimately leads to heart attack.
Normal levels: 200 mg|dl


Hereditary i.e. it runs in the families
Sedentary life style (no walk no exercise)
Mental stress.
Steroids abuse
And other diseases of the thyroid (Hypothyroidism), kidney & liver.

Sign & Symptoms

They are hard to find and high cholesterol is quite often
detected in routine tests only
Pain in chest
Impotency may be due to arteries affected by excessive blood cholesterol.
Muscle pains
An increase in the blood level of cholesterol does not have any
obvious symptoms. But is a risk factor for other conditions such
as angina (pain in chest), Atherosclerosis, Heart disease, High
blood pressure & Stroke

Do & Dont's

Check your diet. Not more than 30% of total calories should be from fat.
1.Do not use any hydrogenated fats e.g. ghee, butter, margarine
(unless specified), vanaspati, coconut il, and palm oil. Use instead safflower (karadi) oil, soya bean oil, sunflower oil, dietary, saffola, mazola or corn oil.
2.Avoid egg yolks and foods containing egg yolks e.g. mayonnaise,
cakes, sauces, although egg white only is permitted.
3.Avoid all foods baked with fat (shortening lard etc.)e.g. cakes,
pies, doughnuts etc.
4.Avoid whole milk, cream, cheese, whole milk curds and sweets
made with concentrated milk e.g. gulab jamun, shrikhand, Mawa,
chocolates et. Use only skimmed milk and its preparations,
paneer made from skimmed milk can be used
5.All organ meats are to be avoided e.g. kidney, liver, brain,
sweetbreads etc. Fat should be trimmed of all meat before use.
Deskin chicken before cooking. Avoid pork, ham and bacon. Avoid shellfish, clams, prawns, lobsters, fish roe, and fish liver oil. Use, fish and deskinned chicken. Meat used should be lean and its use judicious. Stews and meat stock if made earlier, can be chilled and the congealed fat should be scraped off and discarded.
6.Nuts all nuts are permitted except groundnut, cashewnuts which
must be avoided.
7.Decrease the use of refined foods in your diet, e.g. maida,
cornflour, spaghetti, macaroni etc.
Increase and include instead, high fibre foods e.g salads, greens, chapattis (made with atta), leafy vegetables etc.
8.Roast and boil foods on a rack so fat can drain off. Make use
of non stick vessels/pan and decrease consumption of fats and
oils whilst cooking


1.Follow maintenance Diet-Controlled carbohydrate, controlled and
modified fat, low cholesterol
Control the carbohydrate foods that you eat. Carbohydrate (sugar and starch) foods are limited. This means that sugar is not allowed, jaggery, honey and refined foods e.g. macaroni, spaghetti, bread, biscuits should be limited. Free Foods i.e. Foods Allowed.
Clear Soup Soda
Coffee Flavoring Essence
Herbs Vinegar
Mustard Spices.

Suggestions for Meals away from Home

When you eat out daily, it is wise to select one particular restaurant some of your food requires special preparation. A regular customer is more like to receive special attention.
Trim off all fat. The sagest choice is a chop, steak, chicken (deskinned) or fish. Request that the meat be made without fat. e.g. Tandoori Chicken, grilled kababs, tikkas.
Most Vegetables are not limited. However avoid those that are made in cream (malai) e.g. Vegetable Makhanwalla; cheese or whole milk. Ask that your serving of vegetables be made without fat.
Avoid salads with cream dressings, mayonnaise, and cheese.
Instead take Kachumber or mixed salads etc.
Limit the amount according to your diet plan.
Limit according to your diet plan. Avoid, rolls, biscuits, muffins, take instead phulka, chapattis, bhakri etc.
Skim Milk, Thin lassi (non sweet) lie juice (non sweet), fresh lime and soda,coconut water, tomato juice (not tinned, non sweet) tea/coffee (non sweet) these are allowed.
For dessert choose a fresh fruit (not tinned) e.g fresh papaya slice, water melon slice, plums cherries, fresh orange etc.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Remedies And Their Uses Part 1


A remedy of rapid, but short action. Helps in sudden, acute conditions. Sudden fevers, with quick, hard pulse. Pulsations and throbbings all over. Restlessness.
Anxiety. Fear.
Forebodings. Fear of death. Agonized tossings. Worse at night.
Early stages of acute sickness; and for temporary distress during sickness. Acute effects of fright, shock, chill, emotion.

Antimonium TART

Much wheezing. Can't get phlegm up; lungs filling. Dusky face, blue lips and nails. Chest troubles, especially of children and old people (with these symptoms). Hates touch and interference. Head thrown back. Nausea and drowsiness. No thirst as a rule. The eruption of Ant. Tart. is pustular.

Argentum Nit

Funk, as examination funk. Ailments from anticipation. Worry and anticipation, as before making a speech, etc. (but without the restlessness and anxiety of Arsenicum.
Flatulent dyspepsia in a patient who feels the heat, and craves sweet things (which disagree) and salt. Anticipation a misery, even diarrhoea from anticipation,(Gels.)
Hurry. Fear of high places.


Over-fatigue of mind or body.
Feels, or is, bruised.
Bed feels too hard (even fevers with this sensation). Must move for change of position. Soreness after strenuous exertion. Fear of being approached or touched-so sore.
Helps patients who, when desperately ill, declare they are quite well. Boils and septic conditions. The remedy of falls, bruises, and of overstrain, mental and physical.
Given internally; also a teaspoonful of the tincture in bath or foot-bath is helpful.


Restless during a time of strain, or anticipation. Restless. Anxious. Fear. Fear of death.
Mentally, like Aconite, but less excited; and more collapsed. A more deep-acting remedy. Great prostration.
Diarrhoea and vomiting, incessant and prostrating; often simultaneously. Face drawn and anxious. Burning pains, relieved by heat. (Phos. burning pains relieved by Cold.)
Abdominal symptoms brought on by eating Ices: By Fruit :
By TAINTED Meat and Foods. Tongue dry, to brown, or black. Burning pains in abdomen relieved by heat.


Typhoid states and conditions.
Typhoid fever.
Influenza, with gastric and bowel troubles. Influenzal pneumonia. " Typhoid pneumonia." Drowsy. Comatose.
Falls asleep while answering. Bed or dusky-red face. Besotted appearance.
Bed feels hard.(Arn) In delirium, may feel as if limbs scattered about: tries to get the pieces together.
Mouth and tongue dry-foul. Stools offensive. Putridity. Low types of disease, of very rapid onset.


Fevers and inflammations, with parts Red-Hot-Swollen-Dry.
Patient flushed. Eyes bright: pupils dilated. Dry, burning heat of skin-throat-face. Skin so hot, almost burns the examining finger.
Belladonna delirium is of a violent type. Bell. pains are throbbing in character. Jerks and twitches in sleep. Early stages of all inflammations. (May abort whitlow, etc.)
Fevers of the Scarlet Fever type.
Scarlet Fever, to prevent-abort-or modify. In inflammations, visible parts red, hot, swollen, throbbing, dry. Sunstroke. (Glonoine.)


Fevers and inflammations-lungs, pleura joints, meninges of brain, with Bry. symptoms, i.e.,Worse For Movement: for respiration. Better for pressure. Wants to lie still and be let alone.
In nausea, in vomiting, in faintness, worse from even raising the head. All conditions worse from movement, and better for pressure.
Dry, painful cough. Dry mouth. Small, dry, hard, dark stools. Tongue white coated. Thirsty. Irritable.
Sharp stitches in chest, with respiration. A great remedy of pneumonia or pleuro-pneumonia, with above symptoms.


Chilly, clammy, perspiring. The slow, lethargic type of patient.
Nervous: every kind of fear.
Head sweats: at night (Sil.): Face sweats: chest. Cold, clammy hands and feet, Teething children fair, fat, flabby, of plus quantity, minus quality: fat, not strong.
Troubles of skin-chest-nerves-joints- abdomen: bronchitis: diarrhoea, in people or children of the Calc. type.


Burning, scalding urine, with cutting pain during urination. (Any disease, even pneumonia, with this.)
Urging, straining, to pass water: or dribbling. Inflammation of bladder: and genito-urinary tract.
Skin inflamed, blistered. Insect bites with great inflammation, and burning (here give a, few doses internally).
Also for the pain of burns (Urtica urens).


Intolerant of pain or discomfort. Irritable. Cross. " Impossible." Wants a thing, and throws it away.
Extreme restlessness and ill-humour with the pains, in mouth-abdomen-limbs. Frantic toothache.
Teething babies scream and must be carried. Diarrhoea with this "Cannot bear it! "temper. Fevers at 9 a.m. with the Cham. temper.


Waves of violent griping or clutching abdominal pain. Colic, doubling him up. Relief from doubling up, and pressing hard into abdomen; and hot bottle. (Mag. Phos.) Diarrhoea, with much colic and wind.
Dysentery, with much pain; better for doubling up and pressure. One of the remedies for sciatica and neuralgia.

Crotalus HOR

Blood poisoning. Abscesses, boils, septic conditions. Haemorrhages: with decomposition of blood.
Skin yellow. Great prostration. Bleeding; even from every orifice of body.

Cramps and colic. Diarrhoea, with cramps. Cramps; also in calves, fingers, etc. Cholera with severe cramps.
Epilepsy where it starts with cramps in fingers.

Remedies And Their Uses Part 2


Whooping-cough. Laryngitis. Diseases of bones, joints, glands in persons with tuberculous family history.
Always give one dose and wait for weeks (even months in chronic disease) before repeating.


Fevers of the " break-bone " type. Malaria, with severe bone and muscle pain. Influenza, with severe bone pains. Fearful headache, worse for moving. Attacks begin 7 to 8 a.m. Bilious. Jaundiced. Influenza with these "break-bone" symptoms.


Severe headaches.
Influenza, and influenza colds. Eyelids heavy. Limbs heavy, aching. No thirst.
Chills up and down back. Colds with heaviness and aching. Measles.
Fish poisoning, with face like measles.


Sun-headaches. (Bell.)
Concussion, and injuries to head. (Arnica.) Waves of terrible, bursting, throbbing headache. Sudden upward rushes of blood to head. Head feels as if it will burst. (Bell.) Violent palpitation. Worse for motion, jar. (Bell.)


Boils. Abscesses, (Silica Sulph.) Unhealthy skin: will not heal. (Silica.) Pain and trouble in ear. (Puls.)
Sticking pains in throat, swallowing. Cough, with extreme sensitiveness to draughts and chill. (Nux.)
Sores sensitive: temper sensitive. Choleric"-even violent. (Nux.) Croup (with Acon. and Spong.).


Injuries to head, to spine, to coccyx.
Injuries to Nerves. Injuries to soft parts, where skin is broken and Arnica cannot be applied. Injuries to parts rich in nerves, fingers, lips, etc.
To relieve pain and inflammation, and to promote easy suppuration (in boils and abscesses).
Apply to very painful piles. (A few drops in water, saturate a wee bit of rag, and push it up against the piles at night.) (Ham.)
Apply to cuts, lacerations, punctures (Ledum). Two drops to the ounce of water, to saturate gauze or lint. Use also internally, a few pellets four-hourly.


Septic conditions. (Crot. h.) Abscesses.
Whitlow. Septic wounds. The parts, or the patient apt to be dusky, or bluish.
Septic sore throats, especially left-sided. Diphtheria of left throat, without the mercury dirty tongue.
Throat very sensitive, even where little is to be seen. Cannot bear anything near, or to touch, throat.

Sleeps into an aggravation of his complaint. May be loquacious, suspicions, jealous.
Speech hurried: or abnormally slow. Snake bites.
Insect bites that are rather blue. Ulcers, bluish surroundings.


Spasmodic cough. Asthma. Wheezing. Diarrhoea-stools green, or bloody stools-bright blood. With Nausea.
Complaints with nausea unrelieved by vomiting.


Punctured wounds, from stepping on nails; stings of insects. Bites of animals.
Later on, if there are shooting pains and threatened lockjaw, use Hypericum (which see).
Rheumatism, where, with a chilly patient, the pains are relieved by cold applications. (Puls.) " Black eye " from a blow.


Worse afternoon 4 to 8 p.m. Right side ailments; may cross to left side (in diphtheria, etc.). Patient loves sweet things, hot drinks.
Anticipation is a misery. (Arg. nit.: Gels.: etc.)
Hunger, but a little food fills stomach. Fullness and distension after food. Must loosen clothing. Worse from heat: from cold drinks.

Mercurius Cor


practically specific. Tormenting straining, before, with, and after stool.
"Never-get-done " sensation. Stools of blood; of bloody, shreddy slime.
Straining in bladder also. Hot urine, passed drop by drop, with much straining.
Flabby, tooth-notched tongue. Swollen tongue. Salivation. Inflammation of bladder. {See Cantharis.)

Merc. CYAN

Almost a specific for Diphtheria.
Septic sore throats, with foul mouth and tongue.
One, or many small white patches on tonsils (follicular tonsillitis), with foul mouth and high temperature.
Give three doses, six hours apart, to prevent diphtheria, where there has been risk of infection.
(A wonderful remedy for syphilitic manifestations and sores. Here give one, or three doses six-hourly, and wait four or five weeks before repeating.)

Mercurius(Merc. Sol.)

Profuse, offensive sweat in fevers, etc. Sweat does not relieve. Mouth and tongue very foul. Salivation.
Rheumatism, influenza, pneumonia, etc., with offensive sweat and foul tongue. Itching eruptions worse at night.

Natrum Mur

Malaria. (See Eupatorium and Arsenicum.) Recurrent attacks of malaria, best given between attacks.
ILLNESSES, and poor health, Following Much Malaria, and Much Quinine. A Natrum mur. malaria begins about 10 a.m.
Severe backache, only relieved by lying on back on a hard cushion. Influenza, with this form of backache. Headaches, maddening, bursting, or hammering in character.
May start, with " fiery zigzags." (Sepia.) The typical Natrum mur. patient is irritable, weeps easily, hates fuss, craves salt, is very affected by the sun.
(It helps the diseases of great salt-eaters.)


Excitable. Choleric. Impatient. Irritable. Hypersensitive.
Active. Intense. Nervous. Gastric upsets and constipation in persons of such temperament.

Abdominal spasms.
Constipation, with constant desire for stool, and little result; irregular peristalsis. Helps where there is a craving for, or where patient is worse for, alcohol, seasoned foods, coffee.


Congestions. Haemorrhages. Small, easy bleedings of bright blood (nose, chest, anus). Easy bruising-even to purpura. (Lach.) Vomiting.
Craves cold drinks (which may be vomited when they become warm in stomach). Burning pain in stomach, relieved by cold drinks and ices (reverse of Arsenic). Often craves Salt. (Natrum Mur.) Vertigo.
Feeling as if feet rose in air. Chest tight. Pneumonia, with spitting of bright blood, or " prune juice " expectoration.
The Phos. patient is worse for cold (except for stomach and headache, which are better for cold). Worse for lying on left side. Nervous.
Nervous alone. In the dark. Fear of thunder: disease: death. Dysentery, with gaping anus. Diarrhoea, with gaping anus. Suits the tall, slender, artistic type of patient. Very sensitive and nervous.


Changeable disposition.

Loves sympathy and fuss. Timid. Shy. Irritable, jealous, suspicious. Worse for external warmth (except sometimes, the pains). Craves open air. Not hungry: not thirsty.
Bad taste. Ailments worse for eating. Flatulence: stomach and abdominal pain. Easy diarrhoea. Stools generally loose. In rheumatism, pains wander.
Great remedy in catarrh: in women's troubles. Menses begin late: are often late, scanty, irregular, even suppressed.
Curative in skin, joint, chest, digestive troubles, in patients with the Pulsatilla mentality. Measles (Gels.).

Rhus tox

A tendon remedy. Sprains. Acts on fibrous and muscular tissues. Rheumatism, lumbago, stiff-neck. Peri-articular rheumatism, worse first moving.
Fevers, with Rhus symptoms, viz. Tearing pains. No rest in any position. Worse from cold, damp, uncovering, washing.
Better for warmth, change of position, motion-after first painful start.
Eruptions, erysipelas, with the Rhus restlessness, and sensitiveness to wet and cold-and aggravation from washing and bathing.


Indifferent: to family, to loved ones (Phos.), to occupations, to pleasure. Depressed, but intolerant of sympathy weeps with sympathy. " Only wants to get away and be quiet."
Intolerant of Noise, Smells, smell of cooking (Ars. Coco. Colch.). Feels the cold, but must have open air. Belief from eating.
Sweat (of feet, cold; of armpits, often offensive), A great remedy in all complaints of women during pregnancy and lactation.
"Bearing-down pains," worse standing (better standing, Puls.). Sepia may be needed in cough, asthma, malaria, skin and joint diseases, etc., but only in patients with the typical "Sepia symptoms.
Backache better for pressure (Nat. mur.). Aversion to fats (Puls., Nat. mur.); desire for sour things-vinegar.


Want of self-confidence. Lacks grit and enterprise. Mental labour and concentration difficult. Chilly.
Sweating: of head at night (Gale.), of feet, often offensive. Suppressed foot sweat. Skin heals badly. Small wounds fester (Hep.).
Boils: whitlows: suppurations: septic conditions. (Lach., Crot. h., etc.) Tends to extrude foreign bodies, and so promotes healing of wounds.
Was extraordinarily useful in War wounds. Children who don't grow, don't thrive, lack grit and stamina and application: are chilly and sweat.
(In sepsis very like Hepar: but Hepar is violently choleric and irritable: Silica in mentality is as above.)


Red orifices; lips esp., eyelids, anus, if inflamed.
Boils, skin troubles, piles. Morning diarrhoea or constipation; stools too large, and painful.
The typical Sulph. patient is worse for heat. Loves fat, which may disagree: salt: sweets. Feet burn at night: puts them out. (Puls., Cham. Medorrh.)
Starving at 10 or 11 a.m. Always wants to sit down. Stoop-shouldered. Untidy.-Worse for bath-hates bath and washing.
The " ragged philosopher " type. In such patients occasional doses of Sulph. will help, whatever is the matter.
Useful after measles: after cerebral haemorrhages.


Excessive vomiting, purging.
Excessive cold sweat. Diarrhoea, with above. Cholera, with excessive evacuations, and excessive cold sweat.
Cold sweat on forehead. Faintness or collapse. Sudden, excessive evacuations, with cold sweat.
Rapid sinking of forces: complete prostration (Comp. Ars.).
Neuralgia of head, with sensation of a lump of ice in vertex.
Attacks of pain with delirium, driving to madness.

Saturday, May 9, 2015


ARSENICUM. When teeth are drawn by the dentist, and dark blackish blood squirts out.  TIETZE.

CALC-CARB. Mumps on the right side.

KALI BICHR. Mumps on the right side. LIPPE.

LACHESIS. Mumps on the left side.  MARTIN.

MERCURIUS. Mumps on the right side.  LIPPE.

RHEUM. Colic before the discharge from the bowels. TEMPLE

RHUS TOX. Mumps on the left side.  LIPPE.

SQUILLA. The loose cough in the morning is more fatiguing than the dry in the evening

Monday, April 20, 2015

Bryonia Alba

"The typical Bryonia personality is not the artist or scientist or philosopher, the explorer of beauty or the unknown, who disregards the material basis of his existing a safe basis for his economic existence he becomes irritable, angry, anxious, depressed, always on the lookout for something which promises a hold to provide stability and security. ...Worried about his security, he holds on to his back, he holds on to his belly, he holds on to his pocket-book."

"Rich and competent though he is, he fears poverty, he may be slow on the uptake but how persistent; he can follow through with large projects, his obstinacy is an aid, his choleric disposition an added strength. The Bryonia types are not negative; they are a bursting people which their pains symbolize. They are better under pressure, in mind as in body. They are a mighty folk and can produce real end results in the world."

"His depression started after he stopped working. He cannot accept the fact that he is unable to work anymore. His work was his hobby and now he feels he is a misfit. 'I sit behind the window, and other people see me walking around and I have less income than them.' Regarding his income he says he had always tried to improve his turnover. He had changed his job several times in order to make more money."


Constant worrying about money.
• "Dreams all night very vividly of anxious and careful attention to his business."

• "In his dreams he is occupied with household affairs." [Hahnemann]

= Irritability when disturbed; wants to be let alone.

• "Cross; imagined she could not finish her work." "Too busy; she wishes to undertake and to work at too many things." [Hahnemann]

• "Bryonia patients are withdrawn into themselves, purposely isolated from social contact. Always in the background is a deep feeling of insecurity, a sense of vulnerability and weakness. It is this that leads them to seek isolation. They do not want to be intruded upon, and they are quite content to live alone. ... It seems to me that the insecurity arises out of the lack of social contact in Bryonia patients. They do not allow themselves the sense of security that can be derived from family, friends, community, etc. Bryonia patients are responsible people; they usually take the greatest share of responsibility for their families, for instance, but then they wonder who will take care of them in case of financial disaster. They feel unsupported and insecure." [Vithoulkas]

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Bernoville Sciatica

Morbid ground:

The knowledge of the ground is an essential factor for the sure success of the treatment. In simple cases the medicines symptomatically used may alone cure the pains but in stubborn cases constitutional remedies are to be added to them. The constitutional remedies will be very frequently indispensable to avoid relapse.
On what grounds sciatica develops :
Sycotic ground is the most important of all.
The subjects are mostly hydrogenoids, sensitive to humidity and to variations. Aggravation while standing, at night, by the heat of the bed, by rest (need for movement). Amelioration moving the feet, to find a cold place, by moderate walking. Piercing, drawing pains with heaviness, numbness from hip to foot.

Thuja (200, M)

Sycosis. Hydrogenoid.
Left sided (non-exclusive). Aggravation by immobility, on bed, by humidity. Amelioration while moving constantly. Drawing pain along the nerve, in the soles.
General: Obsessions. Fixed ideas. Lower lip bluish-white. Sweat of uncovered parts. Genito-urinary affections. Tendency to proliferations (warts etc.)
Let us then study eight remedies with their indications:

(1) Cimicifuga (30, 200, M)

With the preceding it is one of the most important of ground remedies for sciatica. It is useful in rheumatoid pains having a particular affinity for long muscles on which, because of its spasmophile tendency, it produces cramps. Left sided. Aggravation while lying down; should go out of bed. During menses. Amelioration by continued movement, by pressure, in open air. Violent pains with anxiety in legs. Heaviness. Incessant restlessness of the lower limbs, cramps. Utero-ovarian troubles. Irritability. Fear of becoming mad. Hysteria.

(2) Lycopodium (6, 30, 200, M)

Insufficient liver. Carbonitrogenoid. Cancer state. Indifferent laterality (more right sided). Aggravation by rest, in bed, lying on the painful side, while standing. Amelioration by movement.
Chronic sciatica, periodic with remission. Pains after every four days. Weakness and stiffness of the limbs. Cannot stretch the leg. Bad digestion. Face like an old man. Big belly and lean limbs. Horror of solitude. Aggravation from 5 to 8 P.M.

(3) Lachesis (12, 30, 200, M)

Endocrinal intoxication, menopause, alcoholism. Indifferent laterality. Pain going from left to right. Aggravation after sleep, standing, by movement, by contact. Amelioration by menstruation, by discharges, while lying down, by hot application. Burning pain along the nerve. Loquacity. Jealousy. Gushes of heat. Alternate excitation and depression. Bad effect of solar heat.

(4) Nux vomica (6, 30, 200, M)

Hepatic insufficiency. Digestive intoxication. All sorts of abuses. Indifferent laterality. Aggravation by movement, in the morning (4 to 5 A.M.), by cold. Amelioration by rest, hot application. Tearing pain from above downwards with spasm. Jerking of muscles, contractions, stiffness. Sensation as if the limbs are paralysed. Abuse of stimulants. Excess of sedentarism. Business cares. Irritability. General amelioration. by wet and mild climate.

(5) Natrum sulphuricum (200, M)

Hydrogenoid. Rheumatism. Congestion of liver. Indifferent laterality (more left sided). Aggravation by all forms of humidity; lying on the left side. Abuse of quinine. Amelioration by dry weather, by pressure, change of position. Disgust of life. Tendency to suicide. Flatulence, thirst, morning diarrhoea. Inflammation of fingers around nails.

(6) Ignatia (30, 200, M)

Intoxication reflecting on nerves. Result of grief and cares. Indifferent laterality (more left sided). Aggravation by change of position, standing, by walking. At night, in open air. After eating, by coffee and tobacco. Amelioration by rest, by lying down, during eating. Pains with spasms, intense, stiffness, cutting pains in the hips. Sensation as if coxo-femoral articulation is broken. A remedy for women. Physical and mental hypertension. Paradoxal alternance of gaity and sadness. Contradictory symptoms. Never speak about her ennuies.

(7) Causticum (6, 30, 200)

Hydrogenoid. Chronic rheumatism. Indifferent laterality. Aggravation by temperate humid weather; heat of the bed, by heat. Numbness and restlessness of limbs. Heaviness, weakness, tremblings. Sensation as if the tendons are very short. Chronic rheumatism with crushing pain on the articulations. Sympathy for others. Fear of darkness. Sensation of an open sore.

(8) Sepia (30, 200, M)

Hepatic insufficiency. Genital affections. Tuberculinism. Indifferent laterality (more left side). Aggravation in the morning and in the evening, by humidity and in cold. Amelioration by violent exercise, by heat. Weakness and agitation, heaviness of the limbs. Sadness. Indifference. Aggravation by consolation. Bearing down. Cannot lie on the left side.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

SEPIA'S LOVE & Affection

Sepia experiences love not as excitement or enjoyment (Phosphorus), not as a blessing as natural and necessary as the sun (Pulsatilla), not as a rare and beautiful gift or unattainable ideal (Natrum muriaticum), nor as a human's inherent due which can almost be taken for granted (Sulphur, Lycopodium), but rather as a responsibility — or even a burden. She thinks of love somewhat as follows: "These people love me. They expect something of me. I must live up to their expectations and not disappoint them. I've got to do well as wife, mother, sister, or daughter." Yet how does one express love toward, for example, one's children? Phosphorus and Pulsatilla easily pour out affection and caresses; Natrum muriaticum provides instruction, instinctively assuming the role of teacher; Calcarea indulges her children and enjoys them in an effortless empathy; Arsenicum enjoys taking command and organizing her charges' lives. For Sepia, however, love has no easy outlet, no natural form. Kent has an interesting phrase in this connection, "Love does not go forth into affection." Love is not absent, but the manifestation of love is benumbed and cannot be expressed.
So she falls back on duty. Even when at the end of her resources, her sense of duty keeps her going until gradually she begins to resent her incarceration and struggles against the ties that bind her. In her wretchedness she projects gloom, just as the cuttlefish ejects its cloud of ink. No one can spread darkness around herself like a discontented Sepia. Then she begins to think of leaving home, to escape from the burdens of imposed love

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Silica: etheric princess

The typical transparent Silica child looks like an etheric princess in one of Sulamith Wülfing's paintings. She is a bashful princess with one foot still in paradise, and one foot on earth.
Discontented with everything
She is indignant about the fact that her kingdom is taken away from her, that her golden ball is at the bottom of the well. This idea of discontent about the loss of paradise Silica shares with Calcarea phosphorica, but her refined royal background and her fear for the consequences of uttering a direct complaint make her less outspoken in the expression of her discontent.
Egotism, self- esteem
Agriculture, ineptitude for
Housekeeping, women inept at
Duty, want of sense of
Finance, ineptitude for
Conscientious about trifles, too pedantic
Delusion everything will fail
The psoric challenge of going out in the world and taking care of herself is clearly not her kind of thing: she is too spoiled in paradise, too royal, too frail but also too insecure and lacking strength for these worldly matters

Monday, March 16, 2015

Hyoscyamus: desire to unite

Delirium during delivery

Sexual desire increased during delivery

Insanity after delivery

Wants to set things or house on fire

Delusion he is chasing peacocks

One of the images during re-experiencing birth is rainbows and peacocks. The colours of the peacock and of the rainbow signify transformation.

Licks up cow-dung, mud, saliva

Speech illustrated by urine, faeces and cowdung

Erotic insanity; wants to be naked

In our books we attribute shamelessness to Hyoscyamus. This is a description of our state as
observers who judge the behaviour of the patient, and not of the state of the patient. The patient wants to be naked, because that is in his memory one of the prerequisites to re-experience the unity he experienced right after birth. Often they themselves feel very ashamed of their impulses. These impulses can include violence against babies.

Hyoscyamus has a very strong desire to unite deeply with the person he loves. They need to feel that contact. To them it is a matter of life and death. In a sense they are as vulnerable in that aspect and dependent on the other as a baby is dependent on the mother and is nothing without her. Hyoscyamus wants to be totally in the other person, feel no boundaries, be one. Aberrations in their sexual behaviour signify how they try by all possible means to reach the desired unity

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


The Homeopathic Antiviral Medicine

Well known by the public as a remedy for the flu, Oscillococcinum's effectiveness is indisputable when it comes to halting influenza and similar seasonal illnesses of a viral nature. This is, in fact, our homeopathic antiviral medicine. What is less well known, however, is that it is made from an extract of duck livers and hearts. These extracts are rich in nucleic acids and other phosphoric compounds, which are structurally similar to viruses, and thus produce an action in accordance with the law of similars.
Influenza "at the beginning as preventive as well as during convalescence". (P. Schmidt)

Thursday, February 26, 2015


Aconitum Napellus
Sleeplessness with fear, and excitement.
Anxiety: restlessness: disquiet.
Skin dry and hot.
Tosses in agony.
Anxiety and worry, with trivial complaints.

Head hot and painful.
Pupils dilated.
Rush of blood to head and face.
Twitching in sleep, especially in children with red, hot faces, and bright eyes.
Coffea Cruda
Sleepless from crowding of thoughts.
Full of ideas: quick to act: no sleep on this account.
Sleepless from joy, or coffee.
Any pains are insupportable, and drive her to despair(like Chamomilla, but Cham. is also frightfully irritable).
Sleepless from grief, care, sadness, anxious thoughts, depressing emotions.
Child wakes with piercing cries and trembles.
Lycopodium CLAVATUM
Sleepy by day: sleepless at night: associated with flatulence, digestive disturbances, acidity.
Nux Vomica
Sleepless from mental strain: coffee, wine, etc.
Sleepy in the evening: wakes at midnight, or 3 a.m.: only sleeps heavily towards morning.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Coronary Heart Disease

In coronary heart disease (specifically coronary artery disease), the heart muscle receives an inadequate amount of blood because of an interruption in its blood supply. The principle underlying causes are a coronary artery  spasm, a thrombus or embolus (blood clot), or atherosclerosis which is a narrowing of arteries due to deposits of cholesterol and triglycerides (deposited fats are called atheromas). The insufficiently supplied heart muscle reacts with contractions and malfunctions, with symptoms ranging from mild chest pain to cardiac arrest. Presently, heart attack is the leading cause of death in the United States.In this psychosomatic disease, the body is expressing that it cannot keep up with the excessive drive in the personality. The heart muscle, being the physical motor, cannot keep up the race, and it signals the need to slow down. The personal will, by excessively dictating the speed in mind/emotions, does not harmonize with the physical rhythm. Seen from a higher vantage point, the promptings of the higher self in regard to the principle of power are not taken into consideration; the mind/emotions become unbalanced, and the body expresses in symbolic language the exisiting asynchronism. Coronary Heart Disease:

In coronary heart disease (specifically coronary artery disease), the heart
muscle receives an inadequate amount of blood because of an interruption in its blood supply. The principle underlying causes are a coronary artery spasm, a thrombus or embolus (blood clot), or atherosclerosis which is a narrowing of arteries due to deposits of cholesterol and triglycerides (deposited fats are called atheromas). The insufficiently supplied heart muscle reacts with contractions and malfunctions, with symptoms ranging from mild chest pain to cardiac arrest. Presently, heart attack is the leading cause of death in the United States.
In this psychosomatic disease, the body is expressing that it cannot keep up with the excessive drive in the personality. The heart muscle, being the physical motor, cannot keep up the race, and it signals the need to slow
down. The personal will, by excessively dictating the speed in mind/emotions, does not harmonize with the physical rhythm. Seen from a higher vantage point, the promptings of the higher self in regard to the principle of power are not taken into consideration; the mind/emotions become unbalanced, and the body expresses in symbolic language the exisiting asynchronism.

Examples of homeopathic remedies:
Aurum metallicum, Aurum muriaticum, Calcarea carbonica, Kali carbonicum, Arsenicum album, Lachesis muta, Iodum, Lithium carbonicum, Nux vomica, Tarentula hispanica..

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Travel Sickness

Travel Sickness

Motion sickness is a common problem in people traveling by car, train, airplanes and especially boats. Motion sickness can start suddenly, with a queasy feeling and cold sweats. It can then lead to dizziness and nausea and vomiting.

Homeopathic Remedies :

1 Cocculus

Metallic taste, gnawing hunger.
Worse with smell of food.
Empty, gnawing hunger with desire for food.
Metallic taste.
Much worse from looking at moving objects.
Vomiting as well as nausea.
Often headache, dizziness.
Useful for jet lag (also for repeated broken nights).

2 Tabaccum

Deathly cold sweat bouts.
Very severe, deathly nausea in the pit of stomach.
Dizziness, nausea - in bouts.
Cold sweat.
Faint, weak feeling - pit of stomach.
Better with fresh air, lying with eyes closed.
Worse when moving - causes vomiting.

3 Nux Vomica

Dry retching, bile.
Cold shivery feeling.
Headache - drugged feeling.

4 Petroleum

Especially on ships/boats because of fumes.
Vomiting - green bile, bitter.
Weak feeling in stomach.
Sometimes better with eating

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Mental Generals


The first general groups of symptoms, which are of the highest value, are the symptoms of the mind. These are divided into three grades: The Will; Perversions of understanding; Perversions of memory.

(A)  The group of symptoms referred to the will are of first importance in individualizing your case for repertory study and are manifest through perversions of loves with various fears.
In sickness, the patient's nature often becomes changed; the mental symptoms are manifest. They may be quarrelsome, angry, irritable, tearful, they may hate their loved ones, they may be fearful, intolerant of sympathy. These are often the most difficult of all symptoms to obtain as they are most often concealed from the world, from friends and their physician. Among symptoms of this group, you will find ailments from anger, bad news, grief, love joy, reproach, sexual excesses, contrariness, cursing, cowardice, hatred, irritability, jealousness, loquacity, quarrelsomeness, indifference, sadness, etc.

(B)  Perversions of understanding as manifest in delusions, hallucinations and illusions, etc. These take the second place in value for repertory work. Among symptoms of this group, which are not self-explanatory of the above, are found: absorbed, clairvoyance, confusion, dullness, comprehension, both difficult and easy; ecstasy, excitement, imbecility, mental activity, ailments from mental exertion, etc.

(C)  Those of the lowest value of the mental symptoms are the perversions of memory. Such symptoms as absent minded, errors in answers, mistakes in writing and speech, disorders of speech, etc., are found in this group.
Note. - If mental symptoms are marked, especially if it is a change from normal, they are of the utmost importance to the case. Get these symptoms clear, then give them the highest standing in your repertory analysis. The remedy which includes them will be curative.

Sunday, January 18, 2015



Arthritis actually means inflammation or swelling of a joint, accompanied by pain. But nowadays it used by laymen as a general term for any disease of the joint.
Arthritis is a symptom of a disease and not a disease by itself.


The cause of arthritis is largely non specific. But various factors like heredity, obesity, injury and stress may play a part. The 2 most common causes are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis.
Other causes can be :
Infections from different bacteria
Rheumatic fever.
Tuberculosis, psoriasis and even intestinal diseases like Crohns.


A general feeling of stiffness and restricted movements esp. in the morning.
Red shiny skin over the joints.
Deformity of joint later on
Sometimes there may be numbness, loss of appetite, low grade fever and a general sense of being unwell.

Do's & Don’ts

A whole food, largely vegetarian diet with plenty of salads, fruits and lightly cooked vegetables is recommended. Cut out foods such as dairy products, which can cause allergy. Avoid red meat but fish or chicken in moderate amounts will do no harm.
Avoid unpasteurized milk and use goat's milk if possible. Avoid acid fruits such as lemons and strawberries, tomatoes, salt, sugar (use honey), tea, coffee and alcohol. Take vitamin A, C, E and zinc supplements.
Maintain optimum weight for your height and built. Exercise regularly, but avoid vigorous and heavy work. Yoga can be very helpful.
On waking do not rush into your routine, but start gradually and slowly.
In case of acute inflammation,
Take rest till inflammation subsides.
Local heat or infrared is helpful to alleviate the pain.
Avoid full activity or stretching of the joints.
Always consult the doctor for any medication.

Homeopathic medicines Are :
Radium brom, Causticum, Silicea, Gaultheria, Ledum pal, Arnica, Ruta, Calc-c and many other

Always consult a good Homeopathic doctor before taking any medicine so that you can get well soon.

Saturday, January 17, 2015



Backache is a common problem and responsible for major absenteeism at work.
Causes range from injury, disc prolapse, vertebral fracture, cervical and lumbar spondylosis, vertebral abnormalities. Also pregnancy, hormonal changes and weight gain leads to backache.


Persistent aching or stiffness along the spine.
Localised sharp shooting pain in neck upper back or lower back
after strenous activity
Chronic ache in lower or middle back


Sleep on a firm mattress. 
Improve your posture. Stand and sit straight. Keep your back straight when working at a bench, table, ironing board etc. 
Keep a cushion at the small of the back when sitting in a chair or while driving. 
Avoid sudden jerky movements and overactivity. To lift objects from floor, kneel do not bend. Or bend at the knees and not at the waist. 
Regular exercise for back muscles keep spasms at bay. Lie face down on the floor with your hands behind your back. Hollow your back by raising head and shoulders off the floor. Count three. Lower head and shoulders. Relax while you count ten. Repeat this for about 10 times. 
Massage your back once a week. 
Relaxation techniques, yoga and meditation help. 
A diet rich in calcium and multivitamins is recommended. In case ofan attack of backache, go to bed immediately on a firm mattress and stay there for atleast 24 hours, getting up only to go to the toilet. 
Consult a doctor in case of severe or persistent pain.

Homeopathic medicines are
Ruta, Sil, Phos, Kali-c, Sulph,
BACK - PAIN - aching
BACK - PAIN - stitching pain
BACK - PAIN - pressing pain
BACK - PAIN - burning
BACK - PAIN - Spine
BACK - PAIN - Dorsal region
BACK - PAIN - Lumbosacral region

Friday, January 16, 2015

Miasmatic Causes

Psoric Causes

Sensitive to disturbance

Irritability, Anger, Hurt, Mild, Grief
• Anxiety, Worry, Anticipation
• Transient fear
• Transient anger
• Sensitivity (rudeness, criticism, neglect, external impressions, disharmony & quarrels, joy, light,
noise, music, odour, touch, pain).

Sycotic Causes

Sensitive to stress

Slow, stressful, prolonged
• Prolonged grief. Vexation. Stress. Fear.
• Brooding. Disappointment in love.
• Anger suppressed, Mortification.
• Grief from Loss of money/ Position / Loved ones
• Business cares! House cares

Syphilitic Causes

Sensitive to trauma

Violent, strong, destructive, sudden
• Shock, Insult, Humiliation, Abuse
• Honour wounded
• Sudden anger, Rage
• Fright, Panic
• Strong anger suppressed
• Sudden loss of loved on (man, pet)
• Sudden joy
• Sudden loss in Business / Money / Prestige
• Drugs & Suppressions
• Physical traumas

Sourse : Treasure of Dr Vijayakar 


These are small bubbles of skin filled with clean fluids. They may be single or many and may be pin point size to 2 an inch in


Friction or brief intense contact of the skin with any rough material
Excessive rubbing of exposed skin like new pain of shoes against ankle or a tool handle against hand are the commonest conditions
Burns or contact with hot surface like steam or flame
Severe sunburn can also cause blisters
Exposure to radiation
Contact with chemical irritants, cosmetics, toxins, insect bites
Drug reaction from oral or topical preparations
Infections like chickenpox, herpes simplex, impetigo and
autoimmune diseases


One or more bubbles of skin filled with clear fluid
Pain and inflammation around the blister
Itching and redness of skin around it
Fever in case of infection like chicken pox with multiple fluid filled bubbles

Do's & Dont's

Before handling heavy tools wear hand gloves
When wearing new shoes apply adhesive bandage to prevent friction or apply petroleum jelly on shoe edge. Wear acrylic or synthetic fibre socks which are low friction If you have a blister from friction or minor burn apply petroleum jelly around it to keep skin soft Keep the blister clean and protected from pressure and irritation of all kinds Do not break the blister, unless it is causing severe pain and discomfort. Clean the blister thoroughly with dettol and use a sterilized needle to puncture it.
When the blister breaks wash with soap and water and apply a
mild antiseptic. During the day cover with a gauze bandage and
expose at night to open air
If blistered with chemicals, wash and flush the part with plenty
of water
Do not apply butter or vinegar it can be harmful - by causing
Do not walk or play bare footed
Wear long sleeves and full pants and glares when in contact
with unknown plants


Blister is large
Extensive burns leading to blistering
Contact with chemicals and there is burning and pain even after
washing with lots of water
There is discharge of given yellow pus from blister

Homeopathic medicines and related rubrics are as below :

Rhus t, Ran-b, Lach, Nat-c, Kali-iod, Canth, Urt-u any many more as per symptoms present

SKIN - ERUPTIONS - blisters
SKIN - ERUPTIONS - blisters - blood filled
SKIN - ERUPTIONS - blisters - burn; as from a
SKIN - ERUPTIONS - blisters - burning
SKIN - ERUPTIONS - blisters - cyanotic
SKIN - ERUPTIONS - blisters - itching
SKIN - ERUPTIONS - blisters - syphilitic