Saturday, March 21, 2015

Silica: etheric princess

The typical transparent Silica child looks like an etheric princess in one of Sulamith Wülfing's paintings. She is a bashful princess with one foot still in paradise, and one foot on earth.
Discontented with everything
She is indignant about the fact that her kingdom is taken away from her, that her golden ball is at the bottom of the well. This idea of discontent about the loss of paradise Silica shares with Calcarea phosphorica, but her refined royal background and her fear for the consequences of uttering a direct complaint make her less outspoken in the expression of her discontent.
Egotism, self- esteem
Agriculture, ineptitude for
Housekeeping, women inept at
Duty, want of sense of
Finance, ineptitude for
Conscientious about trifles, too pedantic
Delusion everything will fail
The psoric challenge of going out in the world and taking care of herself is clearly not her kind of thing: she is too spoiled in paradise, too royal, too frail but also too insecure and lacking strength for these worldly matters

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