The first general groups of symptoms, which are of the
highest value, are the symptoms of the mind. These are divided into three
grades: The Will; Perversions of understanding; Perversions of memory.
(A) The group of
symptoms referred to the will are of first importance in individualizing your
case for repertory study and are manifest through perversions of loves with
various fears.
In sickness, the patient's nature often becomes
changed; the mental symptoms are manifest. They may be quarrelsome, angry,
irritable, tearful, they may hate their loved ones, they may be fearful,
intolerant of sympathy. These are often the most difficult of all symptoms to
obtain as they are most often concealed from the world, from friends and their
physician. Among symptoms of this group, you will find ailments from anger, bad
news, grief, love joy, reproach, sexual excesses, contrariness, cursing,
cowardice, hatred, irritability, jealousness, loquacity, quarrelsomeness, indifference,
sadness, etc.
(B) Perversions of
understanding as manifest in delusions, hallucinations and illusions, etc.
These take the second place in value for repertory work. Among symptoms of this
group, which are not self-explanatory of the above, are found: absorbed,
clairvoyance, confusion, dullness, comprehension, both difficult and easy;
ecstasy, excitement, imbecility, mental activity, ailments from mental
exertion, etc.
(C) Those of the lowest
value of the mental symptoms are the perversions of memory. Such symptoms as
absent minded, errors in answers, mistakes in writing and speech, disorders of
speech, etc., are found in this group.
Note. - If mental symptoms are marked, especially if
it is a change from normal, they are of the utmost importance to the case. Get
these symptoms clear, then give them the highest standing in your repertory
analysis. The remedy which includes them will be curative.
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