Sunday, September 28, 2014


SULPH. is the most frequent homoeopathic remedy in practice as well
as in the materia medica.
Nowadays, SULPH. is sometimes difficult to diagnose. Today, a lot
of former external symptoms of SULPH. are suppressed aggressively.
E.g. everything that is offensive is smoothed away or camouflaged,
the dirty unwashed SULPH. aren't seen anymore because of the
current hygiene, the perspiration is suppressed with deodorants and
anti-perspiration remedies and every rash is treated with the most
recent steroid ointments.
SULPH. "s old external signs of identification can be used less
nowadays, and that's why we have to look for other signs of
Today, there arc mainly two totally opposed types of SULPH.

The 1st type:

The mild, slendex philosophical who walks with his shoulders
bent forwards and downwards (K. p. 1403: stoop-shouldered). He is
an example of the SCIENTIST who, during his whole life, is
looking for the truth: in his laboratory, surrounded by his books, or
with his computer. This type has a rather low sexual desire.
The 2nd type:

The plethoric SULPH. Plethoric at every level. They have a red face
and very red lips. They have greasy hair and an oily face. They are
fat, because they cat and drink too much. They arc social people
                                   Vassilis Ghegas Classical Homeopathic Lectures

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