- Dissatisfied children; always miserable and difficult to please.
- Obstinate and insensible; refuses to understand the feelings of the other person.
- Sensitive to noise, especially of rattles, musical toys, and crackers.
- Violent anger and rage in young children, with swearing.
- Anguish in children from loss of close friends, relatives, or classmates.
- Easy excitability and anger after having a tooth cavity filled with mercury amalgam.
- Irritable in the morning from an =refreshing sleep.
- Prolonged animosity against those who have offended hint
- Selfish children; hate sharing clothes, stationary, or toys with others.
- Sensitive children who weep a lot from the slightest of worry or scolding. Vexed by the least trifles.
- Profuse night sweats.
- Children who are prone to diarrhea (Calc, Phos).
- Children who take cold easily.
- Children with dark, swarthy complexions; black hair and eyes. > Icy coldness of the soles of the feet.
- The majority of the symptoms, physical and mental. are better when these children are taken on long drives
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