Monday, September 29, 2014


Therapeutic range
 - Apoplexy.
 - Paralysis of special senses; organs of speech; lungs; extremities.
 - Chorea.
 - Spasms.
 - Epilepsy.
 - Asthma.

Location and nature

 - Cerebro-spinal system, like Hydrocyanic acid, causing sudden tonic spasms, coma, and motor paralysis (sensation as if cold wind were blowing on forehead and vertex, descending through to neck and to the back); muscular system, sudden loss of power.


 - Sunken face, with livid gray-yellow complexion; twitching and convulsions of facial muscles; lock-jaw, foam at mouth; spasmodic gasping for breath; suffocating spells; irregular, slow pulse;

 General characteristic

 - Rapid sinking of the forces; painlessness with all ailments; complete loss of sensation; loss of energy of vital powers--no reaction.

Sunday, September 28, 2014


What are hemorrhoids?

A precise definition of hemorrhoids does not exist, but they can be described as masses or clumps ("cushions") of tissue within the anal canal that contain blood vessels and the surrounding, supporting tissue made up of muscle and elastic fibers. The anal canal is the last four centimeters through which stool passes as it goes from the rectum to the outside world. The anus is the opening of the anal canal to the outside world.

Although most people think hemorrhoids are abnormal, they are present in everyone. It is only when the hemorrhoidal cushions enlarge that hemorrhoids can cause problems and be considered abnormal or a disease.

Homeopathic medicine which can be used mostly are:

Aesculus. [Aesc]
This remedy is especially suitable to the form of haemorrhoids arising from portal congestion, abdominal plethora. They may or may not bleed, but there is a feeling in the rectum as of splinters or sticks. This remedy actually produced many liver symptoms and haemorrhoids in the provers. Other indicating symptoms are aching in the lumbar region, protruding purple piles with severe pains in the sacrum and small of the back and fullness in the region of the liver. Dryness, burning and itching are good indications. Hughes prefers Nux vomica and Sulphur in haemorrhoids dependent on congestion of the portal system. Pulsatilla is one of the best remedies in haemorrhoids after AEsculus. Passive congestion and dyspeptic troubles are the keynotes; blind haemorrhoids. Haemorrhoids that bleed easily. It acts best in the higher potencies. Haemorrhoids from chronic constipation may be cured with Aesculus.

Collinsonia. [Coll]

But says that no remedy can equal Collinsonia in obstinate cases of haemorrhoids, which bleed almost incessantly, he recommends the tincture. It is of special use in females with inertia of the rectum and a congestive tendency to the pelvic organs. It suits pregnant women who suffer from piles, and pruritus may be a marked symptom. The indicating symptoms are chiefly a sensation of sticks in the rectum, with constipation from inertia of the lower bowel. It is especially applicable to heart pains resulting from a suppression of a habitual haemorrhoidal flow. It is somewhat similar to Nux, but is a far more useful remedy. Ignatia. Haemorrhoids characterized by sharp, stitching pains, shooting up the rectum.

Hamamelis. [Ham]

Hughes esteems this remedy as one of the best in haemorrhoids, and clinical testimony is decidedly with him. It has bleeding haemorrhoids, and the flow of blood is quite copious, and the great characterizing indication is excessive soreness. Hughes recommends the second dilution, and experience shows that an external application either hot or cold of Hamamelis extract will promptly reduce the inflammation and soreness. Sulphur has constipation and itching about the anus, worse at night, which may be considered as keynotes for its use.

Aloes. [Aloe]

This is also a most useful haemorrhoidal remedy. It is indicated where the piles protrude like a bunch of grapes, bleeding often and profusely, and are greatly relieved by the application of cold water. There is a very marked burning in the anus the bowels feel as if scraped. There is a tendency to diarrhoea, with the well-known uncertain feeling in the lower bowel. This tendency to diarrhoea will distinguish from Collinsonia, which has the tendency to constipation. Ratanhia has burning in the anus, and protrusion of varices after a hard stool. The characteristics of this remedy are burning and fissure of the anus, great painfulness and sensitiveness of rectum Capsicum. Bleeding piles with burning pain, itching, smarting and stinging in anus during stool are characteristic of Capsicum.

Nux vomica. [Nux-v]

If the haemorrhoids be large and blind, with a burning, stinging and constricted feeling in the rectum and a bruised pain in the small of the back, and especially if excited by sedentary habits or abuse of stimulants, them Nux may be prescribed with confidence. Itching haemorrhoids keeping the sufferer awake at night, relieved by cold water, or bleeding piles with constant urging to stool, and a feeling as if the bowel would not empty itself are further indications. Arsenicum. Indicated in bluish piles with burning pain, prostration and debility. Muriatic acid. Great sensitiveness of the anus, cannot make use of the softest toilet paper; the piles are so sore and sensitive that the slightest touch is unbreakable. Haemorrhoids in the aged. Graphites. Haemorrhoids which burn and sting , anus sore, worse sitting. The rectum seems to have lost its contractile power, and the varices protrude.

Lycopodium. [Lyc]

A very useful remedy for piles which do not mature, but remain as hard bluish lumps, and also for bleeding piles containing large quantities of blood. Sepia. Haemorrhoids from retarded portal circulation; bleeding haemorrhoids with fullness in the rectum; oozing of moisture with great soreness.

Cold and coryza

The common cold may be caused by variety viruses such as the rhinoviruses
and adenoviruses, influenzaviruses. More than 95 rhinovirus serotypes have
been discovered in relationship to coryza yet there is still no effective
treatment in orthodox medicine. Homeopathy, on the other hand, works
directly on strengthening the immune system allowing it to overcome the
virus and establish more immunity to it in the future

Some Homeopathic medicines for first aid use but always consult any homeopathic doctor before taking the medicines

 Arsenicum album  -: when there is a bland watery discharge from the nose.

 Allium cepa
  -: acrid discharge from the nose and bland teas from eyes.

 Euphrasia officinalis
- : bland discharge from the nose and tears are acrid.

 Nux vomica  -: nose flows in the day and stops in the night making breathing difficult.

 Ammonium carbonicum -:  nose feels stopped in spite of watery flow.

 Sambucus nigra -:  specific for snuffles of infants - child is unable to be nursed owing to stopped feeling in nose.


SULPH. is the most frequent homoeopathic remedy in practice as well
as in the materia medica.
Nowadays, SULPH. is sometimes difficult to diagnose. Today, a lot
of former external symptoms of SULPH. are suppressed aggressively.
E.g. everything that is offensive is smoothed away or camouflaged,
the dirty unwashed SULPH. aren't seen anymore because of the
current hygiene, the perspiration is suppressed with deodorants and
anti-perspiration remedies and every rash is treated with the most
recent steroid ointments.
SULPH. "s old external signs of identification can be used less
nowadays, and that's why we have to look for other signs of
Today, there arc mainly two totally opposed types of SULPH.

The 1st type:

The mild, slendex philosophical who walks with his shoulders
bent forwards and downwards (K. p. 1403: stoop-shouldered). He is
an example of the SCIENTIST who, during his whole life, is
looking for the truth: in his laboratory, surrounded by his books, or
with his computer. This type has a rather low sexual desire.
The 2nd type:

The plethoric SULPH. Plethoric at every level. They have a red face
and very red lips. They have greasy hair and an oily face. They are
fat, because they cat and drink too much. They arc social people
                                   Vassilis Ghegas Classical Homeopathic Lectures

Friday, September 26, 2014



  1.   Dissatisfied children; always miserable and difficult to please.
  2. Obstinate and insensible; refuses to understand the feelings of the other person.
  3. Sensitive to noise, especially of rattles, musical toys, and crackers.
  4. Violent anger and rage in young children, with swearing.
  5. Anguish in children from loss of close friends, relatives, or classmates.
  6. Easy excitability and anger after having a tooth cavity filled with mercury amalgam.
  7. Irritable in the morning from an =refreshing sleep.
  8. Prolonged animosity against those who have offended hint
  9. Selfish children; hate sharing clothes, stationary, or toys with others.
  10. Sensitive children who weep a lot from the slightest of worry or scolding. Vexed by the least trifles. 

  1. Profuse night sweats.
  2. Children who are prone to diarrhea (Calc, Phos).
  3. Children who take cold easily.
  4. Children with dark, swarthy complexions; black hair and eyes. > Icy coldness of the soles of the feet.
  5. The majority of the symptoms, physical and mental. are better when these children are taken on long drives