Thursday, March 26, 2015

Bernoville Sciatica

Morbid ground:

The knowledge of the ground is an essential factor for the sure success of the treatment. In simple cases the medicines symptomatically used may alone cure the pains but in stubborn cases constitutional remedies are to be added to them. The constitutional remedies will be very frequently indispensable to avoid relapse.
On what grounds sciatica develops :
Sycotic ground is the most important of all.
The subjects are mostly hydrogenoids, sensitive to humidity and to variations. Aggravation while standing, at night, by the heat of the bed, by rest (need for movement). Amelioration moving the feet, to find a cold place, by moderate walking. Piercing, drawing pains with heaviness, numbness from hip to foot.

Thuja (200, M)

Sycosis. Hydrogenoid.
Left sided (non-exclusive). Aggravation by immobility, on bed, by humidity. Amelioration while moving constantly. Drawing pain along the nerve, in the soles.
General: Obsessions. Fixed ideas. Lower lip bluish-white. Sweat of uncovered parts. Genito-urinary affections. Tendency to proliferations (warts etc.)
Let us then study eight remedies with their indications:

(1) Cimicifuga (30, 200, M)

With the preceding it is one of the most important of ground remedies for sciatica. It is useful in rheumatoid pains having a particular affinity for long muscles on which, because of its spasmophile tendency, it produces cramps. Left sided. Aggravation while lying down; should go out of bed. During menses. Amelioration by continued movement, by pressure, in open air. Violent pains with anxiety in legs. Heaviness. Incessant restlessness of the lower limbs, cramps. Utero-ovarian troubles. Irritability. Fear of becoming mad. Hysteria.

(2) Lycopodium (6, 30, 200, M)

Insufficient liver. Carbonitrogenoid. Cancer state. Indifferent laterality (more right sided). Aggravation by rest, in bed, lying on the painful side, while standing. Amelioration by movement.
Chronic sciatica, periodic with remission. Pains after every four days. Weakness and stiffness of the limbs. Cannot stretch the leg. Bad digestion. Face like an old man. Big belly and lean limbs. Horror of solitude. Aggravation from 5 to 8 P.M.

(3) Lachesis (12, 30, 200, M)

Endocrinal intoxication, menopause, alcoholism. Indifferent laterality. Pain going from left to right. Aggravation after sleep, standing, by movement, by contact. Amelioration by menstruation, by discharges, while lying down, by hot application. Burning pain along the nerve. Loquacity. Jealousy. Gushes of heat. Alternate excitation and depression. Bad effect of solar heat.

(4) Nux vomica (6, 30, 200, M)

Hepatic insufficiency. Digestive intoxication. All sorts of abuses. Indifferent laterality. Aggravation by movement, in the morning (4 to 5 A.M.), by cold. Amelioration by rest, hot application. Tearing pain from above downwards with spasm. Jerking of muscles, contractions, stiffness. Sensation as if the limbs are paralysed. Abuse of stimulants. Excess of sedentarism. Business cares. Irritability. General amelioration. by wet and mild climate.

(5) Natrum sulphuricum (200, M)

Hydrogenoid. Rheumatism. Congestion of liver. Indifferent laterality (more left sided). Aggravation by all forms of humidity; lying on the left side. Abuse of quinine. Amelioration by dry weather, by pressure, change of position. Disgust of life. Tendency to suicide. Flatulence, thirst, morning diarrhoea. Inflammation of fingers around nails.

(6) Ignatia (30, 200, M)

Intoxication reflecting on nerves. Result of grief and cares. Indifferent laterality (more left sided). Aggravation by change of position, standing, by walking. At night, in open air. After eating, by coffee and tobacco. Amelioration by rest, by lying down, during eating. Pains with spasms, intense, stiffness, cutting pains in the hips. Sensation as if coxo-femoral articulation is broken. A remedy for women. Physical and mental hypertension. Paradoxal alternance of gaity and sadness. Contradictory symptoms. Never speak about her ennuies.

(7) Causticum (6, 30, 200)

Hydrogenoid. Chronic rheumatism. Indifferent laterality. Aggravation by temperate humid weather; heat of the bed, by heat. Numbness and restlessness of limbs. Heaviness, weakness, tremblings. Sensation as if the tendons are very short. Chronic rheumatism with crushing pain on the articulations. Sympathy for others. Fear of darkness. Sensation of an open sore.

(8) Sepia (30, 200, M)

Hepatic insufficiency. Genital affections. Tuberculinism. Indifferent laterality (more left side). Aggravation in the morning and in the evening, by humidity and in cold. Amelioration by violent exercise, by heat. Weakness and agitation, heaviness of the limbs. Sadness. Indifference. Aggravation by consolation. Bearing down. Cannot lie on the left side.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

SEPIA'S LOVE & Affection

Sepia experiences love not as excitement or enjoyment (Phosphorus), not as a blessing as natural and necessary as the sun (Pulsatilla), not as a rare and beautiful gift or unattainable ideal (Natrum muriaticum), nor as a human's inherent due which can almost be taken for granted (Sulphur, Lycopodium), but rather as a responsibility — or even a burden. She thinks of love somewhat as follows: "These people love me. They expect something of me. I must live up to their expectations and not disappoint them. I've got to do well as wife, mother, sister, or daughter." Yet how does one express love toward, for example, one's children? Phosphorus and Pulsatilla easily pour out affection and caresses; Natrum muriaticum provides instruction, instinctively assuming the role of teacher; Calcarea indulges her children and enjoys them in an effortless empathy; Arsenicum enjoys taking command and organizing her charges' lives. For Sepia, however, love has no easy outlet, no natural form. Kent has an interesting phrase in this connection, "Love does not go forth into affection." Love is not absent, but the manifestation of love is benumbed and cannot be expressed.
So she falls back on duty. Even when at the end of her resources, her sense of duty keeps her going until gradually she begins to resent her incarceration and struggles against the ties that bind her. In her wretchedness she projects gloom, just as the cuttlefish ejects its cloud of ink. No one can spread darkness around herself like a discontented Sepia. Then she begins to think of leaving home, to escape from the burdens of imposed love

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Silica: etheric princess

The typical transparent Silica child looks like an etheric princess in one of Sulamith Wülfing's paintings. She is a bashful princess with one foot still in paradise, and one foot on earth.
Discontented with everything
She is indignant about the fact that her kingdom is taken away from her, that her golden ball is at the bottom of the well. This idea of discontent about the loss of paradise Silica shares with Calcarea phosphorica, but her refined royal background and her fear for the consequences of uttering a direct complaint make her less outspoken in the expression of her discontent.
Egotism, self- esteem
Agriculture, ineptitude for
Housekeeping, women inept at
Duty, want of sense of
Finance, ineptitude for
Conscientious about trifles, too pedantic
Delusion everything will fail
The psoric challenge of going out in the world and taking care of herself is clearly not her kind of thing: she is too spoiled in paradise, too royal, too frail but also too insecure and lacking strength for these worldly matters

Monday, March 16, 2015

Hyoscyamus: desire to unite

Delirium during delivery

Sexual desire increased during delivery

Insanity after delivery

Wants to set things or house on fire

Delusion he is chasing peacocks

One of the images during re-experiencing birth is rainbows and peacocks. The colours of the peacock and of the rainbow signify transformation.

Licks up cow-dung, mud, saliva

Speech illustrated by urine, faeces and cowdung

Erotic insanity; wants to be naked

In our books we attribute shamelessness to Hyoscyamus. This is a description of our state as
observers who judge the behaviour of the patient, and not of the state of the patient. The patient wants to be naked, because that is in his memory one of the prerequisites to re-experience the unity he experienced right after birth. Often they themselves feel very ashamed of their impulses. These impulses can include violence against babies.

Hyoscyamus has a very strong desire to unite deeply with the person he loves. They need to feel that contact. To them it is a matter of life and death. In a sense they are as vulnerable in that aspect and dependent on the other as a baby is dependent on the mother and is nothing without her. Hyoscyamus wants to be totally in the other person, feel no boundaries, be one. Aberrations in their sexual behaviour signify how they try by all possible means to reach the desired unity

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


The Homeopathic Antiviral Medicine

Well known by the public as a remedy for the flu, Oscillococcinum's effectiveness is indisputable when it comes to halting influenza and similar seasonal illnesses of a viral nature. This is, in fact, our homeopathic antiviral medicine. What is less well known, however, is that it is made from an extract of duck livers and hearts. These extracts are rich in nucleic acids and other phosphoric compounds, which are structurally similar to viruses, and thus produce an action in accordance with the law of similars.
Influenza "at the beginning as preventive as well as during convalescence". (P. Schmidt)