Morbid ground:
The knowledge of the ground is an essential factor for the sure success of the treatment. In simple cases the medicines symptomatically used may alone cure the pains but in stubborn cases constitutional remedies are to be added to them. The constitutional remedies will be very frequently indispensable to avoid relapse.
On what grounds sciatica develops :
Sycotic ground is the most important of all.
The subjects are mostly hydrogenoids, sensitive to humidity and to variations. Aggravation while standing, at night, by the heat of the bed, by rest (need for movement). Amelioration moving the feet, to find a cold place, by moderate walking. Piercing, drawing pains with heaviness, numbness from hip to foot.
Thuja (200, M)
Sycosis. Hydrogenoid.
Left sided (non-exclusive). Aggravation by immobility, on bed, by humidity. Amelioration while moving constantly. Drawing pain along the nerve, in the soles.
General: Obsessions. Fixed ideas. Lower lip bluish-white. Sweat of uncovered parts. Genito-urinary affections. Tendency to proliferations (warts etc.)
General: Obsessions. Fixed ideas. Lower lip bluish-white. Sweat of uncovered parts. Genito-urinary affections. Tendency to proliferations (warts etc.)
Let us then study eight remedies with their indications:
(1) Cimicifuga (30, 200, M)
With the preceding it is one of the most important of ground remedies for sciatica. It is useful in rheumatoid pains having a particular affinity for long muscles on which, because of its spasmophile tendency, it produces cramps. Left sided. Aggravation while lying down; should go out of bed. During menses. Amelioration by continued movement, by pressure, in open air. Violent pains with anxiety in legs. Heaviness. Incessant restlessness of the lower limbs, cramps. Utero-ovarian troubles. Irritability. Fear of becoming mad. Hysteria.
(2) Lycopodium (6, 30, 200, M)
Insufficient liver. Carbonitrogenoid. Cancer state. Indifferent laterality (more right sided). Aggravation by rest, in bed, lying on the painful side, while standing. Amelioration by movement.
Chronic sciatica, periodic with remission. Pains after every four days. Weakness and stiffness of the limbs. Cannot stretch the leg. Bad digestion. Face like an old man. Big belly and lean limbs. Horror of solitude. Aggravation from 5 to 8 P.M.
Chronic sciatica, periodic with remission. Pains after every four days. Weakness and stiffness of the limbs. Cannot stretch the leg. Bad digestion. Face like an old man. Big belly and lean limbs. Horror of solitude. Aggravation from 5 to 8 P.M.
(3) Lachesis (12, 30, 200, M)
Endocrinal intoxication, menopause, alcoholism. Indifferent laterality. Pain going from left to right. Aggravation after sleep, standing, by movement, by contact. Amelioration by menstruation, by discharges, while lying down, by hot application. Burning pain along the nerve. Loquacity. Jealousy. Gushes of heat. Alternate excitation and depression. Bad effect of solar heat.
(4) Nux vomica (6, 30, 200, M)
Hepatic insufficiency. Digestive intoxication. All sorts of abuses. Indifferent laterality. Aggravation by movement, in the morning (4 to 5 A.M.), by cold. Amelioration by rest, hot application. Tearing pain from above downwards with spasm. Jerking of muscles, contractions, stiffness. Sensation as if the limbs are paralysed. Abuse of stimulants. Excess of sedentarism. Business cares. Irritability. General amelioration. by wet and mild climate.
(5) Natrum sulphuricum (200, M)
Hydrogenoid. Rheumatism. Congestion of liver. Indifferent laterality (more left sided). Aggravation by all forms of humidity; lying on the left side. Abuse of quinine. Amelioration by dry weather, by pressure, change of position. Disgust of life. Tendency to suicide. Flatulence, thirst, morning diarrhoea. Inflammation of fingers around nails.
(6) Ignatia (30, 200, M)
Intoxication reflecting on nerves. Result of grief and cares. Indifferent laterality (more left sided). Aggravation by change of position, standing, by walking. At night, in open air. After eating, by coffee and tobacco. Amelioration by rest, by lying down, during eating. Pains with spasms, intense, stiffness, cutting pains in the hips. Sensation as if coxo-femoral articulation is broken. A remedy for women. Physical and mental hypertension. Paradoxal alternance of gaity and sadness. Contradictory symptoms. Never speak about her ennuies.
(7) Causticum (6, 30, 200)
Hydrogenoid. Chronic rheumatism. Indifferent laterality. Aggravation by temperate humid weather; heat of the bed, by heat. Numbness and restlessness of limbs. Heaviness, weakness, tremblings. Sensation as if the tendons are very short. Chronic rheumatism with crushing pain on the articulations. Sympathy for others. Fear of darkness. Sensation of an open sore.
(8) Sepia (30, 200, M)
Hepatic insufficiency. Genital affections. Tuberculinism. Indifferent laterality (more left side). Aggravation in the morning and in the evening, by humidity and in cold. Amelioration by violent exercise, by heat. Weakness and agitation, heaviness of the limbs. Sadness. Indifference. Aggravation by consolation. Bearing down. Cannot lie on the left side.