These are small bubbles of skin filled with clean fluids. They may be single or many and may be pin point size to 2 an inch in
Friction or brief intense contact of the skin with any rough material
Excessive rubbing of exposed skin like new pain of shoes against ankle or a tool handle against hand are the commonest conditions
Burns or contact with hot surface like steam or flame
Severe sunburn can also cause blisters
Exposure to radiation
Contact with chemical irritants, cosmetics, toxins, insect bites
Drug reaction from oral or topical preparations
Infections like chickenpox, herpes simplex, impetigo and
autoimmune diseases
One or more bubbles of skin filled with clear fluid
Pain and inflammation around the blister
Itching and redness of skin around it
Fever in case of infection like chicken pox with multiple fluid filled bubbles
Do's & Dont's
Before handling heavy tools wear hand gloves
When wearing new shoes apply adhesive bandage to prevent friction or apply petroleum jelly on shoe edge. Wear acrylic or synthetic fibre socks which are low friction If you have a blister from friction or minor burn apply petroleum jelly around it to keep skin soft Keep the blister clean and protected from pressure and irritation of all kinds Do not break the blister, unless it is causing severe pain and discomfort. Clean the blister thoroughly with dettol and use a sterilized needle to puncture it.
When the blister breaks wash with soap and water and apply a
mild antiseptic. During the day cover with a gauze bandage and
expose at night to open air
If blistered with chemicals, wash and flush the part with plenty
of water
Do not apply butter or vinegar it can be harmful - by causing
Do not walk or play bare footed
Wear long sleeves and full pants and glares when in contact
with unknown plants
Blister is large
Extensive burns leading to blistering
Contact with chemicals and there is burning and pain even after
washing with lots of water
There is discharge of given yellow pus from blister
Homeopathic medicines and related rubrics are as below :
Rhus t, Ran-b, Lach, Nat-c, Kali-iod, Canth, Urt-u any many more as per symptoms present
SKIN - ERUPTIONS - blisters
SKIN - ERUPTIONS - blisters - blood filled
SKIN - ERUPTIONS - blisters - burn; as from a
SKIN - ERUPTIONS - blisters - burning
SKIN - ERUPTIONS - blisters - cyanotic
SKIN - ERUPTIONS - blisters - itching
SKIN - ERUPTIONS - blisters - syphilitic