Thursday, February 26, 2015


Aconitum Napellus
Sleeplessness with fear, and excitement.
Anxiety: restlessness: disquiet.
Skin dry and hot.
Tosses in agony.
Anxiety and worry, with trivial complaints.

Head hot and painful.
Pupils dilated.
Rush of blood to head and face.
Twitching in sleep, especially in children with red, hot faces, and bright eyes.
Coffea Cruda
Sleepless from crowding of thoughts.
Full of ideas: quick to act: no sleep on this account.
Sleepless from joy, or coffee.
Any pains are insupportable, and drive her to despair(like Chamomilla, but Cham. is also frightfully irritable).
Sleepless from grief, care, sadness, anxious thoughts, depressing emotions.
Child wakes with piercing cries and trembles.
Lycopodium CLAVATUM
Sleepy by day: sleepless at night: associated with flatulence, digestive disturbances, acidity.
Nux Vomica
Sleepless from mental strain: coffee, wine, etc.
Sleepy in the evening: wakes at midnight, or 3 a.m.: only sleeps heavily towards morning.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Coronary Heart Disease

In coronary heart disease (specifically coronary artery disease), the heart muscle receives an inadequate amount of blood because of an interruption in its blood supply. The principle underlying causes are a coronary artery  spasm, a thrombus or embolus (blood clot), or atherosclerosis which is a narrowing of arteries due to deposits of cholesterol and triglycerides (deposited fats are called atheromas). The insufficiently supplied heart muscle reacts with contractions and malfunctions, with symptoms ranging from mild chest pain to cardiac arrest. Presently, heart attack is the leading cause of death in the United States.In this psychosomatic disease, the body is expressing that it cannot keep up with the excessive drive in the personality. The heart muscle, being the physical motor, cannot keep up the race, and it signals the need to slow down. The personal will, by excessively dictating the speed in mind/emotions, does not harmonize with the physical rhythm. Seen from a higher vantage point, the promptings of the higher self in regard to the principle of power are not taken into consideration; the mind/emotions become unbalanced, and the body expresses in symbolic language the exisiting asynchronism. Coronary Heart Disease:

In coronary heart disease (specifically coronary artery disease), the heart
muscle receives an inadequate amount of blood because of an interruption in its blood supply. The principle underlying causes are a coronary artery spasm, a thrombus or embolus (blood clot), or atherosclerosis which is a narrowing of arteries due to deposits of cholesterol and triglycerides (deposited fats are called atheromas). The insufficiently supplied heart muscle reacts with contractions and malfunctions, with symptoms ranging from mild chest pain to cardiac arrest. Presently, heart attack is the leading cause of death in the United States.
In this psychosomatic disease, the body is expressing that it cannot keep up with the excessive drive in the personality. The heart muscle, being the physical motor, cannot keep up the race, and it signals the need to slow
down. The personal will, by excessively dictating the speed in mind/emotions, does not harmonize with the physical rhythm. Seen from a higher vantage point, the promptings of the higher self in regard to the principle of power are not taken into consideration; the mind/emotions become unbalanced, and the body expresses in symbolic language the exisiting asynchronism.

Examples of homeopathic remedies:
Aurum metallicum, Aurum muriaticum, Calcarea carbonica, Kali carbonicum, Arsenicum album, Lachesis muta, Iodum, Lithium carbonicum, Nux vomica, Tarentula hispanica..