Saturday, November 26, 2011

ADHD and Homoeopathy

ADHD Symptoms 

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD or ADD) is a condition in which some children have difficulty controlling their behavior and/or paying attention.

The main characteristics of ADHD are hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity. Not all children with ADHD have the same symptoms.
People with ADD and ADHD display their stress in different ways depending on their unique make-up. They may show distraction, spaciness, boredom, compulsive tendencies, depression or aggression, and lack of self-confidence. Though the symptoms displayed can be very diverse for each child, conventional approach tends to label each child with one diagnosis. The symptoms are controlled as long as medication is administered. What happens when the underlying causes are never resolved as the child goes into adulthood? The symptoms such as anger and/or depression have manifested  for a reason and will not magically disappear unless they are addressed. 

 Homoeopathy for ADHD


Baryta carbonica:
Used for those who can be sweet, timid and fearful or be the class clown, acting goofy and acting out. It is indicated for apparent arrested or delayed mental, physical or social development; for children who are shy, self-conscious, with self-limitation, feeling defective. It is used for those with the fear of looking bad, being laughed at, and criticized; for those who feel incompetent and incapable. It is indicated for those who feel that they are being laughed at, mocked, or criticized; and for those who are timid due to fears, especially the fear of making a mistake. It is used for those who feel that they are being watched; for those who dare not look up; for those who act childish and immature; for those who have difficulty with schoolwork. It is used for those who are backward or behind; for those who are often the teacher's pet; and for those who tend to tics and glandular swellings.

Calcarea carb:
Indicated for those who feel unsafe; are afraid of robbers, dogs, heights, and airplanes -- any situation with potential risk to physical safety; are cautious and protective; fear that others will perceive their confusion and think them insane; feel as if everything is horrible; are stubborn and methodical; are obstinate and strong-willed; can be slow, hesitating; and of a chunky build; and sweat on the head as infants.
Calcarea phosphorica:
Indicated for those who feel frustrated and dissatisfied; act fussy and peevish; for young children who are restless, shy, and fearful, but who love to take chances and play tricks, even act like daredevils. These children feel as if they are away from home and must get home; are athletic; love travel, change, and new experiences; complain of growing pains, especially in the bones; desire smoked meats; tend to have abdominal gas, colic, slightly swollen abdomen; and often have tonsillar hypertrophy.

Indicated for difficult children with poor impulse control, even though engaged in premeditated actions; talk excessively with episodes of mania and rage that might include hitting and screaming, also inclined to depression after manic phase; can be manipulative, lying, and violent; seem unable to think; unresponsive to questions or cannot bear anyone talking to them; intense and violent excitability with fear, delirium, and the delusion of being poisoned; feelings of abandonment, jealousy, suspicion; fears of dark, dogs, water; delirious; delusions of animals, of being pursued by enemies, as if s/he might be injured by surroundings; sees ghosts, specters; very animated, seeming silly and foolish; smiling and laughing at everything, often inappropriately; talks nonsense; acts out ridiculous gestures like a dancing clown or monkeys, trying to be center of attention, often with sexual overtones; giddy; love to run around naked, can be a totally shameless exhibitionist with bizarre behaviors for shock value, including cursing; tries to embarrass parents; jealous of their siblings, often may injure them; cannot tolerate being covered up.
Cannabis indica:
Used for those who feel isolated, disconnected, anguished, terrified, and even sometimes ecstatic. This remedy is indicated for those who feel spacy, confused, and inattentive; have time and space disorientation; fear going insane; feel like everything is a dream with even familiar things which seem strange or unreal (derealization); act as if in a dream or off in space; can't pay attention for long; but are good at science projects until theorizing causes them to lose touch with reality; are absent-minded; can be obsessive-compulsive; appear as if on drugs with a "stoned" look in eyes; and have parents who used marijuana excessively. There are three common behavioral variations of this remedy: (1) presenting as laughing, giggling, and clowning around; (2) presenting as ethereal and airy; and (3) presenting as brassy, loquacious, and liking to dress up in olden-day clothes.

Indicated for children who are violent or fearful; who are severely hyperactivity, easily terrified, and inclined to violent agitation and fits of rage; and whose speech is loud, fast, and possibly incoherent. These children show feelings of terror and abandonment; are afraid of the dark, dogs, evil, suffocation and abandonment. Their thirst is great, yet they dread water. They have fears of death; believe s/he is always alone, and are especially afraid to be alone at night, become overly vigilant to combat these fears and become violent if controlled. They have nightmares and night terrors that become increasingly worse between midnight and 2 a.m. They often awake screaming; see ghosts, specters, spirits; have a horror of glistening objects; have delusions of animals, of danger; are clinging. They are aggressive; bite, kick, strike; use threatening language; can have seizures or personality change after a head injury, frightful episode, or trauma (especially being chased by dogs). They can be useful in autism or Tourette's. These children can be sweet all day and have terrors at night.

And many more are there which can be select on the bases of homeopathic principle